Red button ginger flower edible
Red button ginger flower edible

red button ginger flower edible

Zeus (said Zeff in Greek) turned a scorned lover into an artichoke. Artichokes have been around for a long time. Young artichoke leaves are fed to snails to improve their flavor. The flowers themselves are used for a substitute for rennet, meaning they will curdle milk. The inner portion of the flower stalk is also edible, much like true thistles.

red button ginger flower edible

In Europe they are dried and used in soups. When marinated they are called artichokes hearts. We eat them raw, boiled, steamed, baked, fried, stuffed, and marinated. We eat the floral bracts, read fat leaves below what will become the flower.

red button ginger flower edible

They are actually bitter but if you want to have at it. That said we really don’t eat the blossoms of the artichoke. If I don’t include artichokes among the edible flowers several will gleefully write and tell me I missed one.

Red button ginger flower edible